Food Service
Our breakfast and lunches are provided by Sodexo Foods. Student success depends upon so many conditions. When children are well fed, safe, and comfortable, they are more likely to succeed. When teachers, staff, and administrators know that their students have proper nutrition, clean facilities, and friendly support, they are free to focus on delivering the best education possible. Sodexo works directly with school administrators and parent/teacher organizations to define how we can help create the best learning environment for your students and staff. Serving our public school districts across the country means understanding the unique cultures and values of our diverse nation. Training, health and wellness events, classroom lessons, community activities, education-industry sponsorship - there are so many facets of involvement when Sodexo joins your team. From New England to the Great Northwest, our combined experiences give Sodexo the ability to effectively serve the needs of local communities, administrators, principals, teachers, parents and students.

Maria Rivera- Sodexo Supervisor for Woodlynne School District
856 962-8822 X 129