School Board

Woodlynne School Board exists in order to guide its work for the School, it is committed to ensuring that our school achieves an exemplary level of performance among New Jersey  Schools.

To accomplish its role, the Board:

  • Determines the long-range direction of the District

  • Establishes policies that direct the instructional and support programs

  • Employs and evaluates the Superintendent

  • Communicates with the community

  • Negotiates with employee groups to determine salaries and benefits

  • Calls elections on bond proposals

  • Approves the annual budget

            The public is invited to attend the public Board meetings to gain a better understanding of school district business and the role of the School Board. The public is also invited to address the Board during the public comment portion of the Board meetings. Individuals interested in addressing the Board should arrive a few minutes prior to the scheduled meetings and place their name on the sign-in sheet. You may also phone in your request to provide public comment at (856)962-8822, or email your request to Individuals may phone or email in advance of the meeting; please include the subject topic you will be speaking on.

Notice is also given that the Woodlynne Board of Education pursuant to the provisions of Local Public Contracts Law, has awarded contracts for professional services for this school year on the following:

1. Comegno Law Group, Solicitor

2. Bowman and Company, School Auditor

3. Garrison Architects, Architect

4. Burlington County Joint Insurance Fund, Liability/Worker’s Comp Insurance –Per Insurance Requirements

5. April Bright, MD School Physician

6. Partners In Pediatrics, Occupational Therapy

7. Therapy Source, Physical Therapy

8. Marc Selover (ERI) Licensed /Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) – Based on Need

9. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Dental Insurance

10. School Employees Health Benefits Program, Health & Prescription

These contracts are awarded through a “Fair and Open” or a non-fair and open process with or without competitive bidding as Professional Service under the provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law because said contracts encompass a professional service recognized, licensed and regulated by law. 

The Woodlynne School Board will meet on the following dates at 6:30pm unless otherwise stated.

August 13, 2024

September 10, 2024

October 8, 2024

November 12, 2024

December 10, 2024

January 7, 2025(Reorganization – First Tuesday

February 11, 2025

March 11, 2025

April 8, 2025

May 1, 2025(Thursday – Budget Presentation)

June 10, 2025