Woodlynne School and Office is closed in observance of Presidents Day, Monday, February 17th!
about 11 hours ago, Claudia Super
Happy Presidents day on an american flag
Woodlynne School wishes you a day of love this Valentines Day!
1 day ago, Claudia Super
two hands making a heart with a sunset in the background
Woodlynne School will have a 2 hour delayed opening on Wednesday, February 12. School start time is 9:50 am. Be safe!
4 days ago, Claudia Super
2-hour delay on blue background with snowflakes
There will be a 2 hour delay on Wednesday, February 12th. Be safe coming to school!
4 days ago, Bill Frank
2 Hour Delay
Center for Family Services Presents Black History Month Game Night Edition! See flyer for details
4 days ago, Claudia Super
Center For Family Services Game Night Feb. 26
Attention Middle School Students: Camden County Technical Schools are holding a few events they'd are offering and inviting you to go! See flyers for details
5 days ago, Claudia Super
CCTS leadership team challenge
Music Shadow day march 14th for 7th and 8th grade with Qr code and instruments on the flyer
Fly Eagles Fly! We ditched the blue and gold uniforms for Eagles Green Today! Go Birds!
9 days ago, Claudia Super
teacher with students wearing eagles green and eagles background!
Woodlynne School will open on Thursday, 2 hours late. Please be careful coming to school.
10 days ago, Bill Frank
Happy National Counselors Week to the Collingswood Counselors who came to the Woodlynne School to present to our 8th Grade students. We appreciate the time and energy it takes to help transition students to the next level!
11 days ago, Claudia Super
students at the cafeteria tables listening to the presentation from counselors
National School Counseling Week. We are thankful for the members of the Child Study Team that support and counsel our students.
12 days ago, Claudia Super
national school counselors week
Celebrating the start of Spring Festival in Ms. Dickson's class with lanterns. It is the year of the Snake!
16 days ago, Claudia Super
Students posing with lanterns they made for spring festival with teacher in center
students posing with lanterns they made for spring festival
Some fun events happening in South Jersey Visit: https://visitsouthjersey.com/events/
16 days ago, Claudia Super
south jersey events on dark blue background
Woodlynne Middle School was 1 of 8 Camden County Schools named School of Character! "The schools selected go above and beyond when it comes to instilling character education into our young people." said Commissioner Jonathan Young liaison to Camden County Technical Schools.
16 days ago, Claudia Super
Woodlynne Middle School of  Character
Attention: Spring Little League opportunity for ages 4 and up! Oaklyn is holding registrations!
20 days ago, Claudia Super
Oaklyn Little League flyer with a baseball background
8th Grade Students & Families: Collingswood Open House will be January 30th @ 530pm - 700pm in the High School Cafeteria. Learn about the Program of Studies, Tour the Building, Meet the Administration and Principal, Meet the Senior Leaders. Refreshments will be available!
24 days ago, Claudia Super
8th Grade open house for Collingswood
Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.. Our office and school will be closed, Monday, January 20th. "If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way." - Martin Luther King Jr
27 days ago, Claudia Super
celebrating MLK Day with flag and silouhette of MLK
NJ4S is offering Parent Workshops for Special Education and a Meditation Workshop. See Flyers for information
about 1 month ago, Claudia Super
Meditation Workshop
Parent Involvement in Special Education
Parent Involvement in Special Education
NJ4S is offering workshops. There is an Anime Fan Club on January 23rd. See flyer for details
about 1 month ago, Claudia Super
Anime Fan Club Wooden Sword making
Free Winter Coats have been donated to the School. They will be available to pick up starting January 21 from 2p - 3p outside the main entrance. Supplies Limited.
about 1 month ago, Claudia Super
Winter coats available blue with snow a jacket and details  spanish
Winter coats available blue with snow a jacket and details
Early Registration is open for Oaklyn Cougars Football. Ages starting as early as 4 years old! https://oaklyncougars.com/app/views/registration.php
about 1 month ago, Claudia Super
Couger inside an O with cougars underneath